Saturday, November 15, 2008


It is so very nerve-wracking to go thru all the logistics. There's vehicles to deal with, the possessions you have with you, possessions already in storage, medical clearances, tickets and pet shipping.

Pet shipping is the hardest one right now. Even though I planned and I requested information from my post about how to do it, no one ever really got around to it. When they finally did there simply is not enough time. Our little guy had to have a shot that he has never had before. We just got it on Nov 13, but the catch is that the shot must be at least 4 weeks old on the day he arrives in the UAE-do the math. In all honesty there is a second shot in the series that he should have 2 weeks after the first. More bad math.

I can work with contingency plans and uncertainties, but the many contingencies we are working on right now are way outside my comfort zone.

Now is when you depend on the Lord that everything will work out.

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