Monday, November 2, 2009


I was tapped to work my very first VIP visit and the guest was none other than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a myriad of other major players. I was designated the point of contact at the hotel where she stayed (press traveling with her stayed at a lesser hotel) and was responsible for making sure everyone including her security had what they needed there. I worked all weekend, but I banked some hours to be used for future vacation.

Her visit coincided with the very first Formula One race on the brand new track on Yas Island here in Abu Dhabi, so the hotel was filled to the brim with Presidents, Foreign Ministers and innumerable Kings and Princes. I even met Prince Andrew of Great Britain-he spoke to me in the hallway.

Note to my closest friends: What did I do for Hallowe’en? I was at the beck and call of a Clinton. Can your all hallow's eve top that? Yes, I do have a twisted sense of humor.

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