Thursday, January 22, 2009

Car Registration

You think that getting your car MARTA'd and paying your registration fees takes a long time, listen to this. We had to wait to have the transaction of our vehicle approved by two (2) separate Ministries before we could register the vehicle we already bought. So it sat in the parking lot until the approvals could be acquired.

The transaction was finally completed today. It took 5 people, 3 hours and 465 dirhams.

And as silly as this sounds to you back home, we were the proudest two in the city!!! It is small, but it runs, it has wheels, and bonus! a CD player!! My co-workers came out to jibe us about our "new" auto, but we are so very relieved to have this over and done with.

We turned in our rental today, which should cost about a thousand dollars, but there is always the issue of speeding tickets and traffic fines. I will write a whole other post or two about driving here, but for the tickets they "just put it on your tab."

You won't get pulled over or given a ticket for speeding. If a traffic camera clocks you speeding, the fine is recorded and you have to pay it when you renew your car registration next year. They have a website you can go to, to see if you have tickets, but we haven't figured that one out yet. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Brandi A said...

Congrats on your car purchase! :) Glad you have your familiar things about you, as I know you are!