Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Missed the Party!

It is Tax Day in the U.S. and there are Tea Parties going on in all fifty states. I'm sorry I'm missing it! There are many reasons for the Tea Party movement but I think the one that motivates my fellow Americans most is an overall increase in the tightening of the Federal government's control over our "wealth" - defined as our ability to earn, to maintain our earnings, and to make decisions about our future productivity.

While I can't be there I can reassert this:
I still believe in the Constitution which clearly states that any power not specifically given to the Federal government is reserved to the States or the people. I believe that my rights do not come from what the government allots to me, but are inherently mine by the will of God. This includes my right to protect myself, my family and my home by any means necessary; my right to speak my mind; and to worship without interference. These are not only my rights, but yours as well-as long as you are a citizen of the Great Republic governed by the Constitution.

I also believe that the people collectively have the right to remove their government when it no longer serves the needs of the people-the same people from which all of its power is derived.

These are the principles I was taught in public school 20 years ago. But according to the recent report from the Department of Homeland Security I might be "radicalized."


Hungry Girl said...

Hey- I had goosebumps all day! I wasn't able to go to the Nashville Tea Party- working to pay the government's bills you know- but I wore a tea bag tag as did several others at work. Estimates in Nashville- up to 10,000 in attendance! Love to you and yours- peg

Christy Sanford said...

i was more than happy to attend here in the boro : ) it was very well attended and we missed you !!

Jacksonian Traveler said...

Sorry, Alison, this is my blog. It is one small piece of the universe that I can control.

If you are mystified by the concerns that motivated large numbers of your fellow citizens to protest in the streets, perhaps you should have some in-depth discussions with those you disagree with. You simply will NOT learn what you do not know by listening to the people who only agree with you.

For your information the original Tea Party was not just about taxation without representation, it was about confiscatory policies that significantly eroded the gain of those who worked for it.

I challenge you to deepen your education; read and understand the Constitution; even play devil's advocate for the other side. It could be enlightening.