Wednesday, February 25, 2009

State Sovereignty

I am very informed about what is happening back home. I watched with great interest the selection of a new Speaker of the State House, the election of constitutional officers and the much overdue release of Border Agents Ramos and Compean.

I have been paying close attention to Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, especially regarding the bailout plans; "stimulus" goings on; the great leadership of Sen. Jim DeMint and Gov Bobby Jindal; the viral video of Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange; and the disgrace of the Blagojevich/Burris affair.

But I am really excited to know that my Republicans compatriots in Nashville are working to pass a state sovereignty resolution. With House Joint Resolution 108 they will join the ranks of other states seeking to reign in unconstitutional mandates the federal government imposes on the states.

signed~Proud Tennessean

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