Monday, May 31, 2010

No Focus

I'm counting down the days to my departure and having a really tough time concentrating on anything for very long. Not much holds my interest for very long and I'm easily distracted. I am trying to prepare myself emotionally, mentally and spiritually for the upcoming roller-coaster-ride. I don't see how it could be anything less than. I will do what I can to minimize the change, but moving jobs, moving home, living out of suitcase for a month, leaving behind what has become familiar and moving to the unfamiliar is stressful-even if it is something you signed up for.
The best I can do is to keep a check on myself and try to manage how I respond to the inevitable unpredictable. Remember the saying "...even the best laid plans."

1 comment:

Brandi A said...

an adventure awaits and you are just the gal for it! :)