Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Distinguished Service Award

I can't really blog about what happens every day, partly because it is boring (read work) and partly because security is such an overriding issue. I have worked entirely too hard to get here, to lose it because I violated security protocol. But I can blog about "being there when..."

Monday was the first day I did not have class all day and we went to Main State to take care of some administrative things. Secretary Condoleezza Rice scheduled an event to speak about Military-Diplomatic Cooperation. It was a full house, standing room only, when she surprised everyone including the recipients of the Distinguished Service Award. Secretary Rice awarded General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker with the highest honor that the State Department confers. Both gentlemen were caught off guard.

For those who don't know, General Petraeus formerly commanded the 101st Airborne Division (the Screaming Eagles) stationed at Fort Campbell. While it is officially addressed in KY, Fort Campbell is actually in TN. And it is a group we are very proud of.

Congratulations to Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus. I was honored to be present.

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