Friday, December 26, 2008

Car Museum

We took advantage of the day off to go to the Emirates National Auto Museum, about 60 km outside the city. It was the first time we left the city limits.

There is more sky than anything here. This place is so expansive with flat lands and sand with scrub in all directions. With all that space as a backdrop, everything seems kind of small. It is certainly quite different from the rolling hills of home.

The roads are great paved roads, several lanes and all straight. The locals drive about 100 miles per hour and that is no exaggeration. It is a scary thing to be driving along at a good clip and all of a sudden your whole car shakes from the person who just rocketed by you at double your speed. It is downright freaky.

The museum was interesting and we were the only visitors, so we had the whole place to ourselves. It is really a private collection that the owner allows people to view at their leisure. There are no set hours that I can tell. You just show up and they let you in.

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