Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby Culture Shock

Thanks for reading my blog! I got a compliment today and it really meant a lot - I wasn't at all sure anyone was reading this.

Culture shock can happen anytime you change your surroundings. The bigger the changes the longer the process of excitement, disillusionment and adjustment. Conversely, if the change is minor the process can be quite fast.

I admit to having a little culture shock. The people, the values and overall culture are pretty different here. The adjustment to it is aggravated by the notion that this is my country, my people, I should be the same as them. Not so. JFK is attributed as saying that DC has all the charm of the North and all the efficiency of the South. I'd say that about sums it up.

I met a lady from Beirut, Lebanon and found that we had considerable commonalities. I came away with tears after talking with her because she felt like a touch of home. Civilized, polished and warm.

I do not mean to be negative, but I'm pretty stressed. Time is running out and the list of things I have to do seem to hinge on something else, that just hasn't happened yet.

On a better note: we have received word of our housing in Abu Dhabi. We will have a 2 story townhouse in a gated community. I don't know how many bedrooms, but I did see the 3 different floor plans and the smallest one is 2600 square feet, with maid's quarters. :) I've never lived in anything so big!

Love you all and miss you something terrible!

1 comment:

Brandi A said...

:) Hang in there...if ANYONE can do this, you can. You're ALMOST there. Keep the faith!