Monday, November 3, 2008

More MEPI, Palin and Well Wishes

You may have noticed my absence here. It has been a...long week, involving doctors and even a night in the hospital - but we're all good now!

It is hard to comprehend that we leave 3 weeks from today. Sometimes it seems like it is never going to get here, and other times it seems to have happened so fast. We will be soon picking the boxes that we want shipped overseas for us. I'm looking forward to having my own cookware, music and decorations. Funny how you miss the simple things.

I did spend a little bit of time with the Washington Office of MEPI and learned a considerable more about its mission. USAID spends American dollars to build infrastructure, to teach about democracy and how to hold an election. But USAID is limited to working in underdeveloped [read poor] countries. Much of the Near and Middle East are not underdeveloped, but someone saw the need to encourage democratic activities like transparency of government by broadcasting live meetings; education in running a business for women; and translating English language children's books. Thus MEPI was formed. There is an office in Tunis and my office in Abu Dhabi just opened a couple of years ago.

You know that I am a very political person, but you've heard bloody little about the Presidential Campaign from me. I suppose disappointed could describe how I feel about it. I was energized when Sarah Palin was introduced as the VP. I now hear rumors that if McCain loses, they plan to lay blame at Palin's feet. I have heard her called a rogue candidate-by McCain's people. Very bad idea. Palin strikes a chord with people who have all but given up on the Republican Party. Her plain spoken demeanor is extremely refreshing and her words strike the target.

I could ramble on too long, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still on the face of the earth and waiting anxiously for Tuesday's results.

P.S. Buck and family, we are wishing you well.

1 comment:

Simplyusthree said...

ok so i have been trying for weeks now to contact you two with the email that I have and i think it is no good. Do you have a new one? and if so can you send it to me please? I am sorry to hear about what happened, but very pleased to hear that all is well... stay in touch talk soon!love ya! heather and the girls.