Thursday, November 13, 2008

Playful Pit Puppy

We took Spanky for a grooming last weekend. He always comes out so wound up, full of vim and vigor! You would never know he was 15 by watching him run to the nearest green spot.

I had to stand in the cashier line to pay for his grooming and as is the norm, all the people stood with nary an acknowledgement of one another. There was one who showed attention to us. It was a full grown pit bull puppy, straining at the end of his leash for a sniff. The owner spoke to me quickly, "He just wants to play."

You know me-I'll talk to anybody. It was funny that I was the one doing all the talking, but then maybe they are just shy. The puppy was so very playful and so much larger than my petite miniature schnauzer. He literally put his head on the floor and his muzzle right under my little guy's chest in inviting submission, his long legs splayed in all four directions.

I said, "It jus' don' get no cuter than that!!" Still not one word from any of the many people surrounding me. Guess I didn't really wow them with my southern charm, I might even have frightened them. Hmmm.

1 comment:

Brandi A said...

hehe...well, they'll get used to you as you frequent the same places! They'll love ya know we do.