Sunday, August 22, 2010

Arrived in Brussels

I have finally arrived in Brussels, even had a few days in the office.

Unfortunately, I'm having a much harder time adjusting to the time change than I did in Abu Dhabi. I'm not sure why, but I do know I am simply exhausted, so I've been sleeping quite a lot.

I do feel as though I have stepped into a storybook with all architecture of the mostly short buildings (8 stories or less) , narrow streets and of course, most people are speaking French-therefore, I'm a little disconnected from it all.

I miss Finn Sisu all the time, but his absence is particularly acute now. I know he would have absolutely loved this place, this experience. I miss my partner~in~crime who could always make me laugh and shared my twisted sense of humor. He would be be laughing about the fact that the only English we can find on TV is infomercials selling ABtronix, portable paint sprayers, etc...and we'd be watching it!!

I suppose it will take a while to get used to this little city that has been described by my colleagues as a little wacky, but then it's just another adventure.

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